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Cork Oak Tree - Hieros Gamos & Unity Consciousness


rejection, disconnection from self/nature/God, overwhelmed in social situations, judgemental, critical of self and others, highly sensitive, feeling unsupported, fear of the unknown



energetic protection, compassion, acceptance, ultimate truth, unity consciousness, inner union/hieros gamos, clear communication, 

elder wisdom, serving truth principles

Characteristics of Cork-











light weight

fire resistant 

decay resistant

Cork Oaks are ancient, dating back 60 million years ago

They survived the ice age 25 million years ago

They live well over 200 years

Wine amphorae with cork were found intact in Pompeii after the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79 AD

Cork Oak is the only tree whose bark regenerates

In ancient Greece, Cork Oak’s were revered and symbolized honor and freedom. Priests were the only ones permitted to cut them down

To witness its flesh, let alone touch it, is a divine experience within itself

After twenty five years, the inner bark has matured to its first harvest

And after its third harvest 

(9 years in between each), 

the cork can be used for wine production

Cork reminds us that as we ripen, our wisdom and inner knowing becomes stronger and more refined, much like the finest cheeses, wines and teas

Cork Oak has a strong relation to the mycelial network below, providing great communication with others (nature)

A strong unifying essence, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all life

We are each unique expressions of God, given free will to embody our soul’s highest potential (so should we choose), and to realize the highest attainment of our true, eternal nature

Cork Oak sings the great song of life while upholding truth, revering all life and continuing to expand consciousness 

Cork Oak is the tree that keeps on giving

Should you find yourself never asking for support or giving too much, allow Cork Oak to show you the ways of balancing your ability to give and receive

On top of being a regenerative, natural resource, Cork Oak gives to a diverse ecosystem offering food and shelter for many life forms

Cork Oak is self-sustaining, an ally to support regenesis and trusting one’s inner gnosis 

Cork Oak may just be the essence that paves the path to Hieros Gamos 

(Embodied union of you + the Divine)

It is here that we remember our magic, our power and all that we are

It is here we return to energetic balance

Cork Oak seems to fully encompass the journey of the Sardegna Essence Collection

A final bow to a deep journey of self-regenesis, stepping into one’s highest purpose

For it is within the awareness that one is of God, of Divinity that one can return to zero point

It is here our awareness expands and another veil is lifted

We are eternal beings of light, restoring in-a-sense

We are all unique expressions of God

We are ancient future beings

All Ways are available to us

All Ways In-a-Sense

Cork Oak Essence is available in the Lugh Danu Apothecary

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