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Signups close on June 16th, 2022
After undergoing a huge energetic shift during an Isithunywa (prophetic messengers) cleanse and activation with my mentor, Spirit guided me to fully surrender my ego and beliefs, assuring me that what I was to share with others would come through organically from my connection with God Source
The Nzunza Spirits (water spirits) began to appear, and I was flooded with the vision of this journey that I was being guided to lead others through
This is Remembrance
A nine-month journey dedicated to remembering and rediscovering our cosmic origins, humanness and multidimensionality
A journey back to the purest aspect of you
Nine plant spirit allies revealed themselves to me -
Shooting Star
Elephant's Head
Coralita (Mexican Creeper)
Red Bird of Paradise (Peacock Flower)
Heliconia (Lobster Claw)
Coconut Palm
Crown of Thorns
Blue Lotus
Through the duration of this course, we will connect with a different plant spirit ally each month
Each ally offers its own unique medicine for our emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual bodies
In connection with the plant ally each month, there will be focus on nervous system regulation, breathwork, tea ceremony and various other techniques which will be guided by Spirit
God gifted each of us with a unique, Divine blueprint only we as individuals carry
Therefore, when one begins to connect more deeply with themselves, Mother Earth and God Source, they can uncover their full human potential and bring to fruition their service to humanity
“To fall is to forget who we are”, as my mentor says
We exist in many dimensions, yet as humans, we are witnessing our holographic reality in this fallen third dimension here on Mother Earth
Existing in a fallen realm is no easy task, and these plant spirit allies are here as Guardians and Guides on this journey
Their medicine brings about empowerment, transformation, impeccability, strength, clairvoyance, compassion, harmony and activation of one's highest truths and potential
This is the call to remember who you truly are and why you’re here
The journey begins on July 12th, 2022
(Signups close on June 16th, 2022 so that you can receive your care package before I move out of the country)
What You'll Receive
Nine Flower Essences to intimately commune with each month (shipping included)
Teachings on each plant ally, including their energetic properties
Plant Spirit Journeys with each ally
Introduction to Cha Dao, the way of tea
Organic, old-growth Camellia sinensis (tea) to enjoy in ceremony (2 oz)
Breathwork sequences for nervous system regulation & to help clear the Lightbody
Quantum Healing transmissions and practices to clear energy blocks & miasma
Embodiment practices that allow for deeper connection and understanding of the physical body & nervous system​
Teachings on the untold history of humanity, the fall of Mother Earth and organic ascension
Access to the Telegram Channel with weekly updates, revelations and for you to ask questions
We will meet 3x per month via Zoom as a group in a Sacred Container
Monthly gatherings include masterclasses, discussions, personal shares & plant journeys
*A reoccurring day/time for each month will be chosen once I have spoken to each participant and decided which is suitable based on personal schedules
Course Outline
Month One
Plant Ally: Shooting Star
Theme: Earthly Mission
Element: Earth & Ether
The first month we will begin to remember our origins and why our spirit came into this human experience. We will focus on the history of Earth, the galactic wars that led up to where we are now, Elemental Beings and who are cosmic families are. Focus on grounding to our Earth Star and Earthing will begin during this month.
Month Two
Plant Ally: Elephant’s Head
Theme: Soul Journey
Element: Water
Month two will focus on the many journeys our Soul takes throughout multiple existences and through the multidimensional realms. We will begin to connect more deeply with the wisdom of Mother Earth, our Ancestors and what it means to be a spiritual being experiencing a human existence. The practice of Cha Dao (the way of tea) will begin during this month.
Month Three
Plant Ally: Hibiscus
Theme: Sensual Embodiment & Creativity
Element: Fire & Water
Month three will focus on the life force energy flow within. More specifically, we will focus on healing the root and sacral areas. Attention will be given to womb healing and finding safety around a woman’s most sacred area. Oftentimes feelings of scarcity, survival, fear, anger, shame, rejection and betrayal will show with this essence and work. Focus will be given to our creative energy source and our inner child wounding.
Month Four
Plant Ally: Coralita (Mexican Creeper)
Theme: Ease, Flow & Nervous System Regulation
Element: Air & Earth
Month four will be a continuation, as we focus on the third and fourth chakras and clearing out limiting beliefs held within this area. Coralita brings about self-acceptance, evaluation around our emotional body and removing ourselves from the victim/victimizer programming. We will focus on our mental plane, nervous system regulation and movement practices.
Month Five
Plant Ally: Red Bird of Paradise (Peacock Flower)
Theme: Inspiration & Dreams
Element: Fire
Month Five will focus on finding inspiration within oneself. Focus will be given to our divine blueprint and the codes we carry within our DNA. What are we here to offer humanity? What unique essence do we carry? Peacock flower provides one with drive, inspiration and a willingness to get things done.
Month Six
Plant Ally: Heliconia (Lobster Claw)
Theme: Fruition & Balance
Element: Fire & Earth
Month Six will focus on bringing to fruition our ideas we gathered by the inspiration from Red Bird of Paradise (Peacock Flower) in month five. It is vibrant, bright and brings balance to one’s subtle bodies. Heliconia also speaks to the human ego construct, therefore leading to discussion around the lower and higher ego, as well as the soul matrix.
Month Seven
Plant Ally: Coconut Palm
Theme: Strength & Uplifting Awareness
Element: Air
Month Seven will focus on our consciousness expansion, our awareness of our subtle bodies and breath, the single element that makes us all spiritual. Focus on breathwork, our personal frequency and how to clear and seal our light bodies will be given.
Month Eight
Plant Ally: Crown of Thorns
Theme: Sun (Christ) Consciousness, Compassion & Unconditional Love
Element: Fire & Water
Month Eight will focus on the Sun Consciousness, connecting with our Higher Self and healing our soul and ancestral miasmas. Crown of Thorns will allow one to more deeply embody the divine logos of purity, love and innocence and propel one to become the purest aspect of oneself. Focus will be on sun gazing, communing with sun consciousness and purifying our subtle bodies.
Month Nine
Plant Ally: Blue Lotus
Theme: Activation of DNA through Light, Sound and Symbols
Element: Water & Ether
Month Nine will focus on understanding our full DNA potential. Discussion will be around activating all 12 (and possibly more) DNA strands, scalar energy and morphogenetic field blueprints. Blue Lotus is the bringer of Light and assists one to activate their DNA, while strengthening one’s clairvoyance. Focus will include sound bathing, mudras and light language.
To be able to witness the beauty as well as the pain in this world
To not be consumed by the suffering
This is what Remembrance brings forth, to be in this world but not of it
My mission with the upcoming online course/journey Remembrance, is to usher in this frequency for others
We are the dreamers, the ones who never fit into this world, for we came to hold a new vision and dream up what most don’t believe is possible
Yet we know deep in our hearts, that humanity is capable of so much more than what we have been shown
It is up to us to take the first steps, to do the “unthinkable”, to anchor in this frequency so that it may ripple out to the conscious collective
Whether you are newly awakened or whether you have always known something is off about this world, I invite you to journey back home
Remembrance is not only about remembering ancient memories and how we came to be, it is about creating the NOW Earth
It is about walking through this life, anchored deeply into the purest aspect of ourselves, honoring our sacred mission and procuring our highest dreams and potential
Circulating wealth and abundance in the hands and hearts of those who uphold sacred law
Prioritizing peace and well-being for all sentient life
We hold the vision for all future generations, to live life to their fullest, in reverence to our Mother Earth
Remembrance is being able to say, “I’m so glad I signed up to be here to help usher in this new frequency.”
For we have the capacity to hold the beauty and the heartbreak of this world, while never being pulled out of our deeply rooted faith in our personal ability to co-create with God Source